Need Technology Assistance?
We now offer 30-minute One-on-One Tech Help for anyone who needs help with their cell phone, laptop, tablet, computer tasks, or using the library's electronic resources.
Tech Help will be offered on the first & third Monday of every month from 10:00am-1:00pm.
Sign-up for Tech Help is available here:
The following services will NOT be offered:
Malware, spyware, or other malicious app removal or remediation.
Hardware repair.
Operating System repair, installation, or re-installation.
Medical, legal, and business advice or opinions.
Entering sensitive information (e.g. credit card information, social security number, online banking, etc.
Want to learn computer skills at home?
The Michigan eLibrary has access to Computer Skill courses that are free to Michigan residents. To access these free courses all you need to do is register with an email.
Courses include:
Computer Basics
Internet Basics
Keyboard Basics
Microsoft Office
​Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop
Windows Operating Systems